Iwokrama Research Plots for Monitoring Forest Impacts
Georgetown, Guyana. 8th September, 2023
Iwokrama’s Science Program conducts a variety of forestry research projects annually. One such project, recently completed in August 2023 was the re-census of 18 Permanent Sample Plots (PSP’s) in the Iwokrama Forest.
Permanent sample plots are permanently demarcated areas of forest, typically of one hectare, which are periodically remeasured. They are the basis for growth and yield studies, provide knowledge on forest changes under different situations such as climate change and inform carbon storage capacity. When established in areas that are to be harvested, they provide information on the impacts of harvesting on the forest and on biodiversity recovery rates. Forest management then, can be based on this knowledge and be continuously adapted to new information. This monitoring system is especially important for Iwokrama’s internationally certified timber operation.
The PSP system established in the Iwokrama Forest has the following characteristics:
- Plots consist of one-hectare, 100 m x 100 m square plots divided into 20 m x 20 m quadrats, where all trees larger than 20 cm in diameter are measured. Smaller trees of the pole, sapling and seedling categories are measured in subplots of the main plot.
- Plots are located in areas with planned logging and in reserve areas where no logging is done.
Plot location also considers forest types, giving priority to the forest types that are suitable for commercial harvesting.
Plot establishment began in 2002 with two being set up and continued in 2008 for the majority. The last set of four plots were established in 2018.
This re-measurement exercise was made possible with the support of the Exxon-Mobil Foundation.

Photo 1- Iwokrama staff explain to UG Forestry Students the PSP plot set up and measurements

Photo 2 UG forestry students measuring tree in PSP plot.
Read Full Press Release September 8, 2023.