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EXXON Mobil Foundation Coastal

Providing multi-year support to the Iwokrama International Centre through the Guyana Conservation Initiative.

EXXON Mobil Foundation - Coastal

The Exxon Mobil Foundation is providing multi-year support to the Iwokrama International Centre through the Guyana Conservation Initiative. Iwokrama is managing this grant with technical support from the Environmental Management Consultants Inc. This initiative focuses on thematic areas including but not limited to awareness on marine and conservation issues, ecosystem restoration, livelihood initiatives, and community support.

This initiative focuses on thematic areas including but not limited to awareness on marine and conservation issues, ecosystem restoration, livelihood initiatives, and community support.


Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA)

GTA is currently working with communities across Guyana to support tourism development. The GCI Grant has provided support to the GTA for communities for 4 communities in 2022 and 2023:  Moraikobai (Region 5), Warapoka and Wakapau (Region 1) and Santa Aratak (Region 3)

Support includes tour guiding and health and safety equipment including a boat, engine and accessories and training and capacity building.

Photos ofEquipment handover, Moraikobai Community, Training in Moraikobai and Training in Warapoka.

Photo Gallery

National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute

NAREI has been playing a lead role in mangrove awareness, restoration and management. Support will be provided for the following:

  • Establishment of a Mangrove Information Centre within the NAREI compound.
  • Design and production of public awareness materials inclusive of brochures, booklets, pull up banners and posters.
  • A Mural on the seawall and billboards

Photos ofOutreach and Visitor Centre

Photo Gallery

Guyana Marine Conservation Society (GMCS

The GMCS is currently working with the community of Imbotero (Region 1) to support management of the mangroves and development community livelihoods through tourism development. The GCI grant is providing support for equipment including a boat and engine, computer equipment and training and capacity building. 

Photos ofBooklets, Mangrove Training, Boat and Engine

Photo Gallery

EMC Foundation

The EMC Foundation was established in 2022 to support environmental awareness and education in Guyana, with focus on youths.Under Year 2 support from  GCI, the EMC Foundation received support for several initiatives including the Secondary School Environmental Quiz 2023 and the development of wildlife clubs in several coastal communities. 

Photos ofBackpacks and material, School Quizz, Wildlife Club, Santa Aratak

Photo Gallery

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